Office design project
The Montreal offices of the ManyVids e-commerce platform won an interior design award in Montreal in 2019 for the original use of colour. These colours, which are those of the company, form the pivot of a project of interior design of an open-air plan office.
In order to link contextually the different departments over 20,000 sq. ft., we have placed a gigantic ephemeral construction in the main axis. A simple construction of woodwork in three sections, the structure extends over 600 sq. ft.
The lines and stripped shapes exploit the linearity of the horizontal and vertical architectural elements of the building, such as the original wooden beams and columns.
A little crazy gesture, this wrapping of the structure that randomly took more than 11,600 linear feet of coloured fabric and plastic ribbons. Call it an aesthetic twinkle to the endless flow of data travelling through mountains and networks on the virtual highway.